Client Stories

Elliott Gordon's journey to a digital way of working

In Sprockhövel, Germany, Elliott Gordon leads a top showjumping stable; initially reliant on a whiteboard, he now embraces Hippovibe, a digital horse management solution ensuring seamless organisation for his equine athletes, making it indispensable for his operations.

Elliott Gordon's Hippovibe story

In Sprockhövel, Germany, Elliott Gordon leads a well-known showjumping stable. With a deep passion for horses and a strong commitment to excellence, Elliott ensures that his horses receive top-notch care and that his stable runs smoothly.

The Challenge

Initially, Elliott managed his stable's day-to-day tasks using a whiteboard. This method worked for a while, but as his stable grew and demands increased, he needed a more efficient way to keep everything organized, especially when he was away for shows or other commitments.

Finding the Solution

Elliott found the answer in Hippovibe, a digital horse management app. This software allows him to carry his whiteboard in his pocket, accessible on his phone wherever he goes. With Hippovibe, Elliott can:

  • Schedule daily tasks
  • Plan for entire weeks
  • Ensure that his team is always informed and on the same page

Transitioning to Digital

Switching to Hippovibe wasn't immediate. It took Elliott some time to get used to the platform and learn how to use it effectively. However, once he understood its features, he realized how much easier it made managing his stable.

"It took me some time to be convinced and to know how to use it, but now I cannot imagine it without anymore," Elliott reflects.

Benefits of Hippovibe

With Hippovibe's intuitive interface and comprehensive features, Elliott can focus more on what matters most – the well-being and success of his horses. Key benefits include:

  • Easy access to schedules and tasks from anywhere
  • Better organization and communication with his team
  • More time to dedicate to training and caring for his horses

As Elliott continues to strive for excellence in showjumping, Hippovibe remains his reliable companion. The app ensures that organization is never out of reach, allowing Elliott to maintain a high standard of care and efficiency at his stable.

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